President: Bill Chiarchiaro
Vice President: Carolyn Ing
Corresponding Secretary: Linda Mendenhall
Recording Secretary: Martha Chiarchiaro
Treasurer: Alanna Kelly
Board of Directors
Sherry Bishop
Dianne Hannah
Anne Hendrickson
Linda Loring
Ann Lyman
Roy Lyman
embers on the Web:
Kathy Fuller: Crimson Shelties
Dick & Nancy Hildreth: Cindahope Shelties
Carolyn Ing & Kim Schive: Foxglove Shelties
Linda Loring: Irish Hill Shelties
Ann & Roy Lyman: Amber Hill Shelties
Karen Manchester & Sherry Bishop: Blu Vu Shelties
Katherine Ostiguy: Incendio Shelties
Vicki Rolls: Belcroft/Majestyk Shelties
Lori Underwood: Vogue Shelties
Janet Whalen: Genesis Shelties